Understanding Your PG&E/CleanPowerSF Bill

From your television to your microwave, CleanPowerSF powers your everyday life. To pay for that electricity, you receive a monthly PG&E electric bill. We’re here to guide you through it.

How is the cost of my electricity bill determined?

Your electric bill is determined by how much electricity you use. In general, the more electricity you use, the higher your bill will be.

Why is there a CleanPowerSF and PG&E charge on my bill?

The cost for electricity consists of two parts: (1) supplying electricity (generation) and (2) delivering it to your home (transmission and distribution).

CleanPowerSF buys clean electricity for you. PG&E delivers that electricity to your home. The second page of your bill details PG&E’s delivery charges, and the third page outlines CleanPowerSF’s generation charges. These are distinct charges, not an additional cost.

What is E-TOU? Can I change it?

Most CleanPowerSF residential customers are on a Time of Use (E-TOU) rate plan. This means that the cost of electricity varies based on when you use it.

Known as “peak hours,” rates are higher between 4 – 9 p.m. when energy demand is highest. You can save money by doing high-energy activities – such as running the dishwasher, doing laundry, charging electronics – during “off-peak” hours (before 4 p.m. or after 9 p.m.).

You can check if you are on a time-of-use rate on page 2 of your bill under “Rate Schedule.” If a TOU rate plan is not right for you, you can switch rates at any time (up to twice per year). For more information on our Time-Of-Use rates click here.

What about NEM customers?

Net Energy Meeting (NEM) is a special billing arrangement for customers with onsite renewable energy systems, such as solar panels.

During the annual True Up, CleanPowerSF determines whether you produced more electricity than you consumed over the year. Credits are given if you generated more energy than you consumed.

What about discount programs?

CleanPowerSF customers are eligible for assistance programs that can help you manage your bill.

The CARE/FERA program offers monthly discounts on electricity for eligible customers. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) allows you to apply for a yearly one-time bill credit. Budget Billing, which is free to enroll in, provides stable monthly payment amounts for your energy costs throughout the year, averting spikes in winter energy expenses.

For more details and additional discount programs, visit the Lower Your Bill page.

I’m still confused…

If you’re still unsure, explore our Residential Bill Overview or NEM Bill Overview, watch our recent webinar, or reach out to CleanPowerSF Customer Service at (415) 554-0773 or cleanpowersf@sfwater.org

We’re here to help you get answers to your questions!