Free Webinar 8/24: Electric Grid Reliability and a Changing Climate

Keeping the lights on for Californians amidst a clean energy transition and changing climate is no easy feat. Join us on Thursday, August 24th at 10 a.m. to hear more about how CleanPowerSF is helping the state address grid reliability through our energy supplies and procurement.

Intense summer heatwaves are signs of the climate crisis. These events can cause spikes in energy use that can put stress on the electricity grid. Renewable energy resources and other technologies, like battery storage, are helping to increase grid reliability so customers aren’t left in the dark. But will it be enough?

At this free, one-hour webinar, CleanPowerSF customers can learn about how the electricity grid in California works, what San Francisco is doing to increase the state’s supply of renewable energy and battery storage, and what is being done to improve overall grid resilience and reliability in the face of climate change.