Break Up with Gas and Move on with an Electric Heat Pump Water Heater

Water heating accounts for around 20% of the average home’s energy use. Most water heating in San Francisco relies on natural gas, a fossil fuel. That’s why switching to an energy-efficient electric heat pump is better for the environment, your wallet, and your health. Be part of the community for change! End your toxic relationship with natural gas and move on with an electric heat pump water heater.

How They Work

Heat pump water heaters use electricity to move heat from one place to another rather than generating their own heat. You can think of them like a refrigerator in reverse. This makes heat pump water heaters two to three times more efficient than other water heaters, according to the Department of Energy.

In addition, heat pump water heaters rely on electricity instead of natural gas. As a CleanPowerSF customer, you are benefiting from clean electricity delivered to your home from renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal, and hydropower. Shifting away from appliances that run on dirty natural gas is one way to improve the health and well-being of our city and planet.

Making the Switch is Easier than You Might Think

It’s now easier than ever to switch to an electric heat pump water heater. CleanPowerSF customers can enjoy up to $2,000 in savings on a high-efficiency, heat pump water heater when working with a BayRen Participating Contractor. Combined with incentives for the contractor, switching to a new heat pump water heater is an economical and environmental choice.

In addition to taking advantage of a cash rebate, there are many benefits of switching to an electric heat pump water heater:

  • Greater efficiency: Heat pump models use less energy to heat water than natural gas

  • Improved air quality: Natural gas appliances can release harmful pollutants, which can be toxic to people and pets

  • Reduced carbon emissions: Clean electricity drastically reduces natural gas use in buildings, which constitutes one-third of San Francisco’s total greenhouse gas emissions today

Interested in getting started? Have more questions we can help you answer? Fill out our interest form and we will get back to you.

Learn more about our heat pump water heater rebate:

For more resources and information about going all-electric at home, visit our Go Electric page.